Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Senin, 22 September 2014

Skype Offline Installer

Skype is the most popular free voice-over IP and instant messaging service globally. It allows users to text, video and voice call over the internet. Users can also call landlines and mobiles at competitive rates using Skype credit, premium accounts and subscriptions. Skype was publically released in 2003 and now accounts for roughly a third of all international calling minutes. Skype uses P2P technology to connect users on a multitude of platforms including desktop, mobile and tablet. The call quality (depending on your internet signal) and additional features like conversation history, conference calling and secure file transfer are excellent. There have been some criticisms over the programs bandwidth usage and security vulnerabilities.

Skype Calling

Once you’ve downloaded and installed Skype, you will need to create a user profile and unique Skype name. You can then search for other users in the Skype directory or call them directly using their Skype name. Voice chat comes with conference calling, secure file transfer and a highly secure end to end encryption. Video chat is available on higher bandwidth connections and makes keeping up with distant family/friends much more interactive. Video conferencing and the Screenshare features make Skype popular with the corporate market. Skype’s text chat client features group chat, chat history, message editing and emoticons. Skype also enables calls to landlines and mobiles using a premium paid service.

Easy to Use

Skype’s UI is very intuitive and easy to use. All the classic messaging service features like profiles, online status, contacts and recent history are displayed in the left navigation. Here you will also find the Skype directory, group options, a search box and premium calling buttons. The right side (main window) opens the content you select. For individual contacts you will see a text message box, chat history and calling options.

Call Quality

On fast internet connections Skype call quality is excellent for both voice and video calls. The hybrid peer-to-peer client server system means the sound quality is better than most VoIP services. That being said, if you do have a slower internet connection, voice calls may be interrupted or delayed. Video calls will be intermittent and pixelated. Text chat will only be affected by very poor connections. The call quality button will give you detailed information on the expected call quality for each of your contacts (as the quality depends on both parties internet connection).


If you’re looking for a reliable and easy to use VoIP client, you’ll find it hard to beat Skype. Microsoft’s purchase of Skype in 2011 has further stabilized the platform and accelerated development as Microsoft used Skype to replace its aging messaging service Windows Live Messenger. Click on the green download button to give it a try.

Download Offline Installer

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014


Hallo sobat blogger...
Kali ini saya akan berbagi  pengalaman yang pernah saya peroleh.
Pengalaman ini saya temukan ketika seorang teman meminta saya untuk install ulang lappy-nya. Bagaimana kejadiannya? Simak ulasan berikut.
Teman saya itu sebut saja namanya aziz, datang ke rumah membawa laptop Toshiba modelnya L850 dengan specs Ci5-4GB Ram-500GB Hard Drive-Vga AMD Radeon HD 7670-Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit.
Menurutnya dia membeli laptop [2nd hand] tersebut seharga 1600 Saudi Riyals. Wah murah sekali pikirku karena katanya baru dipakai 2 bulan, hehe.. Padahal harga barunya mencapai 2600 Saudi Riyals.
Sambil ngobrol-ngobrol saya hidupkan lappynya.. wah saya kaget ketika mengecek partisi Hard Drive "C" hanya 50an GB.
Saya tanya, ini yang install windowsnya siapa? Orang hindi jawabnya singkat. Pantes partisinya kayak gini, kataku. Saya cek lagi ada unlocated Partition, wuhh apa lagi ini, saya kira itu adalah partisi untuk recoverynya karena lappynya ada logo windows original. Saya cek lagi di Disk Management ternyata tidak ada recovery partitionnya alias sudah dihapus :v...
Saya katakan, sebaiknya ini diformat full saja. Ya terserah ente katanya.

Kemudian saya mulai masuk settingan Bios dan booting dari CD/DVD Rom...
Prosespun berjalan...sampai ketika muncul window untuk pilihan partisi di mana windows akan diinstall, saya kaget dikit, semua partisinya tidak bisa dihapus, yang bisa hanya pilihan "Format". wah gimana ini pikirku????
Kemudian saya batalkan instalasinya, saya balik lagi ke windows. Setelah saya cek disk management ternyata type partisi-partisinya sudah diganti menjadi Dynamic. Pantes saja pikirku..
Nah, sobat blogger semua itulah sebabnya kenapa partisi tidak bisa dihapus, yaitu type disknya "DYNAMIC".
Sobat yang belum tau seperti saya ini pasti bertanya,Bagaimana seharusnya type disknya? Jawabnya, typenya harus "BASIC".
Sobat mungkin bertanya lagi, terus bagaimana supaya typenya harus basic?
Pertanyaan yang sangat bagus dan mengena dengan topik sharing kali ini.
Kita harus mengkonversi dynamic ke basic, bagaimana caranya?
Caranya akan saya sharing pada postingan selanjutnya..hehe.. istirahat ngetik dulu sob...kikikikkkk

Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

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